Eco Metals Recovery

WHAT AM I INVESTING IN TODAY? ✓ A unique eco recovery system for precious metals that does not use any harmful chemicals and which offers the potential to open up major parts of the globe to “green recovery”, revolutionising the mining and mining equipment industry (a $110 Billion dollar market ) ✓ A fully developed prototype, the result of over 20 painstaking years of technological innovation, the IP value of which has been independently assessed ✓ Participation prior to the next major value inflection point in EMR’s development through the creation of a commercial scale prototype, and the integration of advanced sensors, automation and artificial intelligence/smart mining solutions (a $16.25 Billion dollar market by 2025 ) ✓ An exclusive R&D relationship with a globally renowned British university who develop industrial and smart mining technology for major mining industry players ✓ A smart, dedicated and focused entrepreneurial management team with experience working with major mining firms, mining equipment firms, technology firms, major investment banks and major licencing/franchising companies ✓ Global mapping of prospective clients, acquirers, licensees, technology firms and competitors. We know our market opportunity inside out