Eco Metals Recovery

30 WHY AI ? • It is estimated In the mining industry that AI could reduce extraction costs by 10% , yet only <30% of mining companies are currently utilising their captured data. This is often due to disparate and siloed systems which inhibit a holistic analysis of a company's operations. Moreover, companies are frequently unaware of the amount and types of data they are collecting across all these systems. • AI takes historical data from the process and based on the data, EMR can train its AI to build an algorithm that will become more accurate at predicting the outcomes on these actions. The algorithm will then provide specific recommendations or actions that are more accurate than what can be done today with scientific models • Usually, capital investment for an equipment upgrade would be needed to make these levels of savings, which can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Applying an algorithm, which takes a couple of months to learn, doesn’t require any capital investment, only some operational expenses • With its advanced electronic systems and sensors, the Separator is well suited to using large data sets, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to adjust capture, sorting, and other efficiency functions on the fly.